letters and smileys for bbm

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letters and smileys for bbm
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BBM Smiley faces! 647 likes · 0 talking about this.

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18.05.2010 · Best Answer: You have to know how to write code for those types of things.
All of us love BlackBerry Messenger, and it is nice to see a company develop an addon for it. Easy Smiley Pack for BBM brings 250+ smilies (and other symbols) to your
BBM Smiley faces! | Facebook
What bbm smiley is (y) ? - Yahoo! Answers
06.07.2011 · Best Answer: a (y) isnt a smiley. Its a Thumbs up symbol :p
For and Against
Get more BBM emoticons with Easy Smiley.
The best source to get animated gif files for your blackberry messenger, we update daily adding the latest BBM Animated gif display picture files available for your
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letters and smileys for bbm
Another Word for And